I stopped at the store this afternoon and decided to look for a non-business, fun to read book. I picked up a book I was interested in (a new release) and then just stood there – book in hand and a puzzled look on my face. I honestly couldn’t remember if I had already read this book or not. OR, if not, had I already bought it?
Good grief!
Has this ever happened to you?!
There was a woman next to me, also looking for a book. She looked at me as I stood there dumbfounded, and I asked her “Have you ever picked up a book, but couldn’t remember if you’ve read it recently or not?”. She said “Yes!” She told me she’s just vacationing here from Texas, but back home she has a little notebook where she writes down every book she’s read, and usually carries that book with her because she can’t remember either. I’m glad I’m not alone!
Of course I read the back cover of the book. But the information there wasn’t enough to jog my memory.
I read the first page of this book while standing there. Nope. Nothing. Still not sure if I’ve read it or not.
I flipped through random pages of the book and read them. Still nothing.
I certainly didn’t want to read the ending – but in hindsight, I suppose I could have read the ending, because even if I hadn’t read the book yet, chances are at this point, I wouldn’t remember the ending when I got to it anyway! LOL
The really sad part about this for me is that I’ve been anxiously waiting for this book to come out in paperback. It’s book three in a series I’m reading (and yes – I’m SURE I read the other two books, because I wrote about them here under What I’m Reading – The Jane Hawk series by Dean Koontz).
I ended up buying the book.
I figured I’d head home, check our home library, and see if the book is already there. It was not, so I am guessing I haven’t read this book yet. Either that, or I didn’t remember to actually put it in our library after I purchased it… again assuming I might have previously purchased it. Ugh, too many assumptions!
While I scan every book we have into our library database, I think I’m going to have to start carrying a little notebook with me, like the lady I met from Texas does – thanks for the tip, random stranger!
I think I need a vacation!
I’ve been using a program called Readerware for around 13 years now. When I first started using the program, I bought a UPC scanner to go along with the software. All I do is scan the UPC code from the book, and Readerware adds the book to our virtual library, along with the book cover, book details, and more. It’s been a very helpful tool for me, as we currently have over 8,000 books in our home library. I’m sure there are newer apps or programs available that accomplish the same or similar thing, but this program still works for me. I have no affiliation with Readerware, just wanted to pass along this tip in case you need a way to record (remember) the books you have at home.
If anyone has a recommendation for a newer “library” database app that can link to a mobile device, please let me know! Then I won’t need a notebook at all when I head to the bookstore.

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