Since my job is an online store and mentoring ecommerce business owners, I spend a LOT of time online each day. While most of that time is spent working, I do occasionally stumble across websites, articles, and cool things that I really like. I save these things to a Pinterest board, so someday when I have some free time, I can go back to that board and enjoy the things I found.
Here are three random things (in no particular order) that I am really loving this week. Maybe you’ll find them interesting, too!
#1 – Antique Poison Ring
I love vintage jewelry – especially vintage rhinestone brooches (I’ll have to share my collection here one of these days). For years now, I have been on the search for an antique poison ring. A poison ring has a compartment where you could hide a pill of some kind. While I certainly don’t want to add a poison pill to the ring, I do love that it has that secret compartment. Just think of the special tiny things you could put in there! When I spotted this ring, it went on my “someday wish list”. Isn’t it amazing?!

#2 – Ink Bottle Vases
Years ago my Mom bought me a set of 12 clear glass ink bottles – each one embossed with a number on it. I still have, and use, those ink bottles. Before I had kids, I would put fresh cut flowers in each bottle and the bottles sat on our kitchen windowsill. When my boys were little, they would pick pansy’s, wild geraniums, and dandelions from our yard for me and would tuck them into these little bottles. Even though my kids are teens now, they still bring me small flowers from the yard and they are always added to these ink bottles that sit on our windowsill.
This week, I stumbled on a similar set and it reminded me of the ink bottles I have (which are now stored for the Winter – waiting for Spring).

#3 – Sandwich Maker
This one made me laugh. I was reading an article this week that included several recipe ideas and this gadget popped up as an ad. I have a son who concocts the most amazing (and sometimes bizarre) sandwiches. He especially loves making breakfast sandwiches. When I saw this, I knew it would be a perfect holiday gift for him! And it’s affordable, too! He is going to LOVE this! Sshhhh! Don’t tell him!

How about you? Did you spot something online this week that you love? Share in a comment below!
You can find links to all three things on Pinterest at Things I Like and you can find some of these these in my Amazon Marketplace Storefront.