Take A Trip Down Hogsback Road

Here we are, October in Minnesota.

Let’s take a scenic trip down Hogsback Road.

A twisty, turny, curvy, elevated road in the rural countryside.

A road much traveled by sight-seekers and Autumn leaf-peepers.

A road that people flock to, especially in the Fall…

This is one of our favorite drives near our home. It is a very high ridge through the woods, with very steep sides on either side of the road. It twists and turns through the landscape and compels people to drive at slow speeds, just so they can observe and be in awe of the surroundings.

When we first moved to our home in the country, the locals all called this road “Hogsback Road”. This isn’t the official name of the road, but everyone around here knows it by this name.

I was curious why people called this road Hogsback, so I did some research.

It ends up, the term “hogsback” is an actual geological term. The actual definition is:

“A hogback or hog’s back is a long, narrow ridge or a series of hills with a narrow crest and steep slopes of nearly equal inclination on both flanks”.

That definitely fits the description of this very old road, and the adjoining topography perfectly – and it solves the mystery of why the locals have always called this Hogsback Road.

What’s most intriguing about Hogsback Road is that is seems to erupt out of the surrounding landscape, which is totally unexpected. Many of the roads around these parts are fairly flat, with some twists that wind through thick wooded areas and open up to farmland fields. There are some dips and inclines over small hills, but when you get on Hogsback, it feels like the woods close in around you – the trees form a cocoon overhead, filtering the rays of sunlight that dart through the overhead canopy. Guardrails flank the roadbed, leaving little room for errant driving – so your senses sharpen as the road twists and turns.

Peering out over the steep inclines on each side (an act best left to passengers) is like looking down into an abyss – with the adjoining ridges jutting up from the depths to seemingly isolate you from the outside world. It is such an entirely different landscape from the local roadsides, that it feels like you are travelling in a different part of the country!

Hogsback Road is a treasure to experience. If you live in Minnesota, it’s worth the trip ‘up nort’ to travel on this road.

The video shown here was taken  today when it was nearly 70-degrees, after weeks in the 40s. The leaves are past their peek colors, but the road is still a beautiful trip to take. I’m glad we made the drive before all the leaves are gone.

Want a secret bonus? If you turn right at the very northern end of Hogsback Road, you’ll arrive at The Shoe Tree. Another unique place to visit in the area… but that’s another story. Stay tuned.


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