With outdoor landscaping and garden projects coming to an end, we’ve been focusing more on indoor projects. I have so many ideas for projects to do this Fall and Winter – it’s been exciting (and somewhat stressful) working on everything. I like coming up with unique, creative ideas to use items in ways they weren’t intended to be used. Most times these projects work out very well. Sometimes, they take a bit more planning. Either way, they’re fun to do. I’ll be writing more about some of these projects in the coming weeks – stay tuned!
In the meantime, here’s this week’s entryway sign…

I keep this letterboard sign outside on one of our front entry landings and change it each week – so much fun! For more letterboard quotes, sayings, and ideas – click letterboards.
Do you have a favorite saying, quote, or idea for a letterboard sign? Share in a comment below!
Letterboards and Accessories
Shop for letterboards and accessories – click images for more information.