There’s something so peaceful and relaxing about having plants inside your home. I love the look of plants tucked into the corners of a room, displayed on coffee tables and kitchen counters, and gracing bathroom vanities.
Plants help a room feel grounded.
I especially love unique plants. Plants that act as conversation starters, and not something you see everywhere you go.
I’m always on the look-out for unique plants, and with this new series on my blog, I’ll share my latest finds with you. Here’s the latest find…
Banana Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum)
Check out this unique and somewhat odd plant!
About the Plant
The Banana Croton is native to the Pacific Islands, Malaysia, and Northern Australia.
This plant can be grown outdoors in warm climates, or indoors year-round.
Crotons have such a wide variety of leaf shapes and colors – all on the same plant. That’s what makes them so special. The Banana Croton has bright yellow and green odd shaped leaves near the base and then tall, slender all green leaves at the top. The yellow and green leaves are tall and narrow, short and wide, and some leaves even have ‘thumbs’.
Banana Crotons need good drainage, prefer high humidity and likes to be watered when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. You”ll need bright light for the plant when grown indoors. Also, make sure to keep the plant in temperatures of 60-degrees F or above (it doesn’t like cold and drafts).
The Banana Croton has poisonous sap, so keep it away from small children and pets.
This plant is relatively easy to care for, once you bring it home and it gets established. The croton plant doesn’t really like to be moved, so it’s best to bring it home and put it in a place you want to keep it. Moving this plant can cause it to go into shock and lose its leaves, but no need to worry. The leaves will grow back and your croton will adjust to it’s new home.
Why I Love It
I love the variety of leaves that this one plant has – I think that makes it very interesting. The bright colors of the leaves call attention to the plant, and it looks great with any decor.
Where to Buy
I bought mine at Walmart for $5.00 each in a 3″ pot (plants are 12″ tall). You can also find these plants at Amazon for $31.50 for a 4-pack. NOTE: The growers tag on these plants often says “Angel Plant”. This is just a reference to the line of plants from that grower, but it’s not the name of this particular plant.
If you have more suggestions for unique or unusual plants, please leave a comment below.
I bought one recently online and the leaves are brittle and on the crispy side. Is it in shock from USPS handling? Will it adjust? Your photos show much healthier looking banana crotons.
Hi Carol – I’m sorry to hear about your plant, and I hope it does bounce back!
Crotons definitely DO go into shock easily, especially when transported. Once you find the spot in your home that you want to display this plant, it’s best to leave it in that spot – crotons really don’t like to be moved.
I’m not sure where you’re located, but if you are in an area where it’s been brutally cold (like here in Minnesota), your plant may have become too cold and the leaves froze. If this is the case, the damaged leaves won’t come back to their normal look and will likely fall off on their own. If the root system didn’t freeze, the Croton can continue to grow and will put out new leaves – especially this time of year when we have more natural sunlight.
Crotons don’t like to dry out too much, so continue to water when the very top of the soil is dry. They also don’t like to sit with wet roots, so make sure the soil allows for adequate drainage. They also like a bit more humidity that most homes have in the Winter. Using a pebble tray under the plant with water in it can help raise the humidity around the plant just enough to keep it happy.
I recommend giving your plant a dose of fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, as this will help the leaves produce and grow more rapidly. Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food has a ratio of 24-8-16, so that 24% nitrogen is perfect for helping your plant.
I keep my Banana Crotons in our master bathroom on our vanity in front of the vanity mirrors. This is on the north side of a bathroom that has lots of large windows on the south and west. The Crotons don’t get direct sunlight, but they do get a lot of bright light – especially reflecting off the mirrors. They are thriving in this area! They definitely appreciate the warmth of that room and all the light.
I hope this information helps. Keep me posted on your plant – I hope it recovers quickly!
What did you do to make them grow so tall and full?
Hi Carlene – Crotons can be fussy, but these two are still growing well. I have them on a bathroom vanity (in front of a mirror) that is about 14 feet from a full wall of south-facing windows – so they get lots of indirect light, especially light bounced off the mirror. I water them about once a week – we have well-water here. I have never fertilized them. They seem to really like their bright location! I also turn them once a week to ensure they grow straight. I think consistent light and water really helps!